Среда, 19 февраля, 2025

Characteristics of Optical telescope and its properties


Characteristics of Optical telescope:

Characteristics of Optical telescope and its specifications

Specifications that relate to the characteristics and the working of the telescope are designed. The accessories or other types of equipment used with the telescope could result in the change in the many properties of the specifications of it such as star diagonals, Barlow lenses, and eyepieces. These interchangeable accessories do not change the specifications of the telescope, although they do change the properties of the telescope function, typically magnification, apparent field of view (FOV), and actual field of view.

Surface resolvability:

As seen through an optical telescope the smallest resolvable surface area of an object, is the limited physical area that can be resolved. It is similar to angular resolution, but differs in definition: it refers to the physical field that can be resolved, rather than the separation potential between point-light sources. One of the most common ways to display the characteristic is the resolvable ability of features such as Sun spots or Moon craters. The spherical optics company and pfg precision optics in the market go hand in hand to manufacture precise and accurate flat optics. The Hubble Space Telescope has a primary mirror aperture of 2400 mm which provides the ability to re-resolve the surface of a 174.9 m diameter moon crater or 7365.2 km diameter sunspot.

Angular resolution:

In order to prevent the image blurring by the turbulence in the atmosphere and optical imperfections of the telescope, the optical telescope’s angular resolution is calculated by the diameter of the primary lens or mirror gathering the light which is also termed as “aperture”.

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For the telescopes that have large ground-based, the resolution is limited by atmospheric seeing. This limitation can be overcome by placing telescopes above the atmosphere, for example, on top of high mountains, on balloons and high-flying airplanes, or in space. We can also overcome the resolution limits by speckle imaging, adaptive optics, or lucky imaging for ground-based telescopes.

Recently, it has become to perform aperture synthesis with arrays of optical telescopes. Very high-resolution images can be obtained with widely spaced clusters of small telescopes linked together by carefully controlled optical paths, but these interferometers can only be used for imaging bright objects such as stars or active galaxies which can be used to measure the bright core.

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